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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

diri sendiri
Friday, March 18, 2011 3:29:00 PM

it is normal if kita secara tidak sengaja meletakkan harapan pada seseorang yang kita kenal
hello, it is not that kind of harapan ok
harapan di sini ialah tanggapan
contohnya, if kita ada kawan from a good family,
of course kita x jangka dia akan buat something yang memalukan diri atau keluarga satu hari nanti right?
so in a way, harapan kita ialah dia kekal menjadi diri dia yang baik itu

main point utk post kali ni sebenarnya
tidak semua orang yang berasal dr keluarga yang baik akan menjadi baik
tidak semua orang lepasan sekolah agama atau sekolah yang baik itu tidak melakukan kesilapan

kenapa suddenly saya cakap macam ni?
sebab in these few months saya telah beberapa kali d kecewakan dengan harapan or jangkaan saya sendiri

i never thought he will b like that
i never look down to him
he seems to b so perfect to me
maybe i just don't realize that he is a normal person n not an angel
he is from a good family, an islamic family, from a well-known islamic school
n at the end he is still like the other boy out there

so it is proven that a good family or a good school can't guarantee that someone will b a great person
it is depends on our own self
what kind of person we want to turn out to b

a good family or a good school is just a basic things that our parents can provide us with
the rest of it is our own choice
n the important thing is to choose the better choice

Vintage Photography Background
p/s : don't put too high expectations on other people

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