i miss u guys
haha, macam fashion show la pulak kan
credit to nana for this pic, i still simpan tau!!
this one banyak pic waktu pertandingan nasyid =]
p/s : xaci la waktu ni baju kita xcntik but after i pindah baju nasyid cantik!!!
uwaaaa T_T
this one waktu kt depan dewan ryte?
i couldn't remember the name of this hall..
waktu ni Sambutan Maulidur Rasul kan?
wait, bila kita berarak kt Padang Merdeka tu?
chess time!!
em, at.................
urgh, what is this place??
Menara something ryte? OMG, where's my memory missing?
this one, lawatan tu SMK....(i forgot =.=")
haha, i like the memory behind this pic so much..
especially to azie n tiha, remember this pic?
it was taken at jejantas otw to Wisma Saberkas
the day we were going out (i curi2 keluar rumah)
ingt x? =p
surau =]
hey, my old handphone..haha
my last day at SMKBL ='(
i miss eating nasi goreng yang pedas tu..
i still remember, this time we get free air kotak dr abang kantin, kn tiha?
tiha? (",)
i miss wearing my 'kain kelabu'
p/s : don't u guys think we look innocent that time?hehe=p
love this pic, love this memory, love both of u
is missing u guys damn much!
hey hottie!
u look so innocent back then, hehe=]
i miss u si tinggi tiha =]
remember this pic?
hehe, i forgot who snap this but it came out cute
tiha is shorter than me, thats the best thing ever! haha=D
at the airport =]
thanx for being there, thanx for all the love n care
thanx for making me feel very special
azie, where r u?
u keep missing~
azie, i want a bunch photos of u please..
seriously i don't have much photo of u when we r at the airport =(
hey guys, it has been 3years n 7month since the last time i saw u guys
i really miss u guys
so much
just if i can fly straight away to Kuching right now
kiss n hug is the first thing i want to do
hye hottie!
thanx for being one of the earliest friend i knew since the first day i moved there
thanx for introducing me to new things, hehe
i miss the time when all of us kuar shopping
but until now i still x sleepover at ur house
someday maybe =]
i miss u sweetie
u noe what, u r the first girl friend that i used to message a lot
haha, kinda miss that time
thanx for everything
thanx for always be there for me till now=]
i miss u!
i miss ur voice calling me in the morning so that we can go to school together..hehe=p
i miss the time when we r gossiping about others
missing the time when u merajuk, haha t i blanje aiskrim k
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