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sms d kala PSPM bakal menjelma
Sunday, March 20, 2011 2:56:00 AM

tau x ape itu PSPM?

for those yg pernah msuk matric (matriculation program) msti tau kan
PSPM ialah exam yang amat 'disukai' ramai =p
PSPM stand for
Peperiksaan Semester Program Matrikulasi
(hehe xingat la)

so now i am not sharing anything about PSPM
i want to share some of the sms that we usually get when PSPM is around the corner

7secrets of success
u found the answers in ur room :
ROOF said - aim high
FAN said - be cool
CLOCK said - every minute is precious
MIRROR said - reflect before u act
WINDOW said - see the world
CALENDAR said - b up to date
DOOR said - push hard to achieve ur goal
gud luck!

bila otak dah terLOG
mata pun dah jadi COMPLEX
so ape FUNCTIONnya kalau GRAPH dah makin menurun?
nak INVERSE masa dah xsempat
so yang REMAINDER tu bila lagi nak SOLVE
then lastly biar je la sbb dah xboleh nak SUBSTITUTION
ala MINOR problem je
boleh ELIMINATION punya
cepat before esok NO SOLUTION

In how many days a 1000 pages book can b finished by a person?
a WRITER -6months
a LECTURER - 2months
a LAWYER - 1month
a STUDENT - ONE night before exam

i wanna say sorry from the smallest cell in my body till the double helix DNA that found in it,
also sorry if mutation occur during my involvement in population genetic,
hope u r not so stress about exam till cannot differentiate mitosis n meiosis
all the best in PSPM =]

hidup saya penuh dgn warna-warni kimia
dan awak juga satu drpdnya
saya tahu hbungan kita bkn sekadar Van der Waal forces, London dispersion or dipole2 pun bukan
yang saya tahu hbungan kita adalah spt H-bond..kuat sgt..
sbb tu saya syg awak
hbungan kita ni x perlukan Lucas Test
Brady's Test pun xperlu
Schiff's Test lagi la
awak tau x?
dlm kimia, mkin tnggi Mr, mkin tnggi boiling point
tp bg saya pulak
mkin byk kawan saya, mkin byk ilmu saya dapat
awak ingt lg x detik pertemuan kita?
saya lah yg jd electrophic n awak jd nucleophic..ske sgt..=]
kdng2 sy terpaksa gne FeBr3 utk mantapkan hbungan kita
lastly, saya harap kita blh jd aromatic, stabil buat selamanya
Good Luck PSPM my friend=)

PSPM 2 dh dekat
amplifykan usaha secara PCR
duplicatekan chromosome kerajinan
polyploidkan berdoa kpd Allah
tingkatkan boiling point semangatmu
unwindkan keserabutan dlm otak
tguhkan ukhwah seteguh ikatan dimer
tawakallah kpd Allah
insyaAllah kejayaan dpt d producekan
gud luck for final exam
n sorry from -ve infinity to +ve infinity

tau x apa itu KESETIAAN?
still bersama buku walaupun masa tido
tau x apa itu KEBAHAGIAAN?
bergolek atas katil bersama buku2
tau x apa itu KESUNGGUHAN?
stay up sepanjang malam terutama malam 'terakhir'
tau x apa itu PENGORBANAN?
melepaskan buku pada waktu paling 'genting'
tau x apa itu KEBERANIAN?
masuk dewan peperiksaan walaupun xabis baca buku

ni baru sikit ni
banyak lg yg blm d discover by me
so anyone yg sudi nk share sms wktu PSPM dulu
d persilakan (^_^)

p/s : is missing my matriculation life =]

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