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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Thursday, April 28, 2011 2:53:00 PM

suddenly i feel like i want to share about my life during matriculation program
it is a very beautiful memory
too sweet to forget
i really mean it ok

hari ni keputusan kemasukan utk matrikulasi keluar
my sis dapat KMNS
oh my!
same place as mine
haha, seriously..the moment i read her sms i just laugh n read it over n over again
wow, both of us get the same place
which means i akan jejakkan kaki lagi ke matrik itu
happy! i really miss that place actually
it is the first place where i start studying away from my family

perception of this matriculation programme :
- short course
- susah
- kena cepat keep up, kalau x kena tendang
- there is no guarantee to continue study in university if u don't get 3.00 and above
macam2 lah yg biasa didengar tentang matrik n most of it are negatives
as for me, ex-matriculation student
i LOVE matric
seriously i do

it is the first place where i met new people
macam2 style n ragam
macam2 perangai yg kita dapat lihat sebab kita stay kat sana 24/7
makan, minum, main, tidur, study, semua dengan diorang
*saya bukan student yg pernah duduk asrama so a little bit excited with those activities..hehe*

lets see what KMNS looks like ^_^

 cantikkan?? yes, memang cantik..hehe, siap ada kabus2 lagi.. ni la padang yang setiap hari kami akan lalu untuk ke kuliah, makmal, n tutor for those yg duduk blok C..
 this is us! H4P4~ always in my heart =
 thanx for the memories u guys =)
bersama cikgu mathematics kesayangan kami =)
H4P4 girls!
sweet kan we all? haha, i know..=p
ni waktu subjek Kemahiran Dinamika, kena berlakon..memang mantap lah!
 dah lama xpakai baju biru ni, rindu.....erk?hehe
 ok, ni proses menanam semula pokok yg dicabut secara sesuka hati oleh mamat2 ni..haha
 ni spesis apa ni wey? plik je tengok =.="
 ini lah kami, aktiviti luar mmg sangat best dr duduk je dalam lab tu..huhu
so, sesiapa yg akan ambil bio or sains hayat ni la yg korang akan belajar..=)
 pity this tikus, huhu..
 berposing bersama si tikus yg telah di seksikan, hehe
 ni nama dia e-coli..boleh cirit-birit kalau kena bacteria ni..
ni spesis ape ek? lupa la..=.="
 BBQ time! yeeha~ haha
 sedapnya, lapar la pulak..
gadis2 H4P4 bersama cikgu ko-k..tenis!
sorang je jejaka?actually ada 3..sikit?? oh, lumrah pelajar sains hayat..lelaki mmg pupus~=.="
 jalan2 time ^_^
ok, saja je nak selit pic ni.. sedap kan!! urgh, nak kek!!nyum2!
 ni waktu keluar jalan2 with roommates n kawan2 bilik depan..missing them :(
 ROOMMATES! rindu la, huhu..
 kegilaan di dalam bilik, hehe=p
ni waktu tunggu sapa ye? pengarah KMNS kot, xingat la..huhu

i love them so much
i love the memories with them
i love the time that we spent
i love every second that we have together
all of the memories teach me to be a better person

menjejakkan kaki ke dunia matrikulasi is something that i will never regret
thanx u guys =)

4 lovely notes

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