out with them
i am too lazy to type all those words n too lazy to tell what happened just now
so lets just take a look at the pictures that we snap
*just the pictures of us anyway, hehe*
i was forced to wear that PINK cardigan by fai~
*terasa diri ini sangat mencapap*
jom keluar jom!!
fai, ni muka evil ke innocent?? =p
dah sampai! kitorang makan kat tepi pantai~<3
while waiting for our food, apa lagi...snap2!!hehe
cantik kan??!!
jom balik! perut dah kenyang, masuk kereta..suka suki snap sana snap sini..hehe=p
i heart her..ngeh2!
muka fatin xboleh blah, macam xrela d cium je =.="
Friends 4ever <3<3<3
mood : sleepy
p/s : Good Night...ZZzzzzzzz
PINKcardigan by fai~