just finished my class
my last class of my first year in USM
time really passes quickly
feels like it just yesterday i registered in USM
how excited i am in my first day here
immersed into my surrounding here
i felt the beauty, peace and the tranquility of USM
"Universiti dalam Taman"
but the reality is i'm about to finish my first year here
starting from this week *actually now* my study week will start
STUDY week ok! not STIDO week..lol
i have to be more focussed on my subject
i have to study more
practice all the calculation
do a lot of exercise
memorize all the formula
n not to be forgotten
my subjects other than mathematics
each subject is important to increase my pointer
so i must care about each of them
i hope i can do better this time
i hope i will get a better pointer
i don't want to be regret about anything anymore
i want to shoot my best
i want to be proud of myself
and i want to be a daughter that my parents proud of

mood : is missing them
i miss the time that they are always by my side
i miss the way umi keep nagging to me asking me to study
how ayah always help me in solving my mathematics problem
i miss everything