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You've stuck in my unprivate diary

: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Status : I heart you <3

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

this is what u have to pay
Monday, April 18, 2011 2:41:00 PM

this is what u have to pay
the hurt that u will get
things that u have to accept
the truth that u never know
the secret that always been hidden

n all these
u will get
when u start digging up all the things about the past

somewhere......................called, BLOG! a.k.a some sort of that person open diary

oh hoo, u r so stubborn right atikah!
i told u, don't do that!
don't ever read anything in that blog
don't be too curious
but u r so S.T.U.B.B.O.R.N !

n now
padan muka!
accept it ok!
that u never know the whole story
u never been told about the truth
n all these while u r trusting something that 'half true n the other half have been hidden totally!"

yes, it is not a lie but it is not the truth either~

haish, serve me right!

NO! cause i'll never forget the damage that u have done..oh, that u r doing too~

mood : hard to trust that person anymore even though as a friend.

0 lovely notes

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