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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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about us
Friday, May 6, 2011 9:49:00 PM

jam menunjukkan pukul 9.30
just another plus minus 15hours I'll be leaving USM
and I am no more a first year degree student

sekejap je masa berlalu
tup tap tup tap dah setahun dah me n my friends menuntut ilmu di USM
tinggal 2tahun je lagi
hope kami semua akan berjaya dunia akhirat =)

sepanjang setahun ni macam2 orang saya kenal
banyak kenangan pahit manis kami bersama

paling banyak kenangan of course la with my roomate
I am really gratefull to have her as my roomate
she is always there for me
geng waktu nak terpekik terlolong
bergelak tawa
berkongsi masalah
thanx Ina, I've learnt many things from you
u r really a good roomate
very tolerant and compromise
I am lucky to have you as my roomate
n Alhamdulillah we will still be roomate for next sem

next is my jiran bilik sebelah
anis and mira
thanx for the time and the memories that we have together
you guys are really a good neighbour, hehe =p
n next sem we will still be jiran kan?
I really hope that we will always be there for each other forever =]
and for both of you, if you guys have any problem or anything,
me n Ina are always there for you =]

kamu kamu kamu
thanx for being my friend
thanx for all the smile and laugh
really lucky to have u as my friend
cik jun yg sangat lembut,
next sem kita berjiran ye! hehe

so now is one of the closest friend (coursemate)
we started close to each other during 2nd sem
maybe because of we are in the same major which is Modelling Math
and I am very happy to have her as my friend
kami satu kepala and sangat senang hati to befriend with her
anyway, her room (cubic) just above mine
and I never realize that until we get to know each other closer
hope next sidang pun bilik kita dekat2, boleh la i kacau u, u kacau i kan

these two girls are also my coursemate
Dayday n Mummy!
hehe, kidding
they are day and ekin
start rapat pun sem2
taking the same major n minor
and I am very comfortable with them
"next sem nak beronggeng ke mana pulak??" =p

then, randomly speaking
kepada kamu
thank you for all your help
sangat sangat berterima kasih for everything
about the bus, assignment, all those information that sometimes supposed to be private and all the story-mory
~thank you~
eventhough you are really annoying sometimes and kuat giler mengusik
but I really appreciate you as my friend
and kepada kamu yg lagi seorang
thanx sebab always worried about my study
always make sure that I keep up with all subjects
thanx =]

actually ramai lagi tapi xmuat nak letak semua
and ada some of them yg xde pic
but I really thank all of u for everything
u guys are awesome!
let's create another fantastic memory next sem okie =]

lots of love from me

6 lovely notes

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