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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Status : I heart you <3

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Monday, May 23, 2011 12:37:00 AM

23 Mei 2011
hari pendaftaran ke matrik

aik, tika kena ulang matrik ke?
kena masuk matrik balik ke?
nape kena daftar lagi?
haha saja buat kecoh xtentu hala..
bukan tika yg nak p daftar tapi adik tika

as u guys know, she got Matrikulasi Negeri Sembilan
my matric dulu
so of course I want to accompany her as well as menjenguk kembali matrik tu
i miss that place, yes I am =)

something happened
suddenly my younger brother is not feeling well
so my parents have to go to his school n pick him up
means he won't go to school till wednesday or thursday

I have to take care of him
because he can't follow us to Pilah
then as conclusion he will stay at home
n I have to stay at home too

there will only be my parents and Aishah who will go to Pilah tomorrow
huhu, a little bit sad but if I follow them sape yg nak jaga adik kat rumah kan

it's ok, sabar je la dulu
next time boleh pergi lagi waktu nak jenguk Aishah
think positive ^_^

p/s : hope my little brother akan sembuh..Amin..

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