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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Sunday, May 29, 2011 4:10:00 PM

people always ask "ambil course apa kat USM?"
and my answer will be "mathematics"
then they will ask "keluar nanti nak kerja apa?"
definitely my answer will always be "xtau la, xpkir lagi..pensyarah kot"

based on my answer, mesti orang pikir "this girl xberpandangan jauh x pikir masa depan....n etc"
but I never care about all that
tipu la if xpernah pikir masa depan kan
but utk pikir kerja apa, I think macam jauh lagi je nak pikir

for now I just want to strike for my very best at USM
siapa yg x nak grad dgn 3.00pointer n above
I don't want to see any 2.++ on my slip
that's my goal for now

and insyaAllah if I can score,
get a quality pointer,
I can find a good job
(ikut rezeki la jugak kan..)

my target now is just to score the highest pointer that I can get
to grad "beautifully" and with full confident =)

I want to be like my umi
yes, dia seorang suri rumah
but suri rumah yg "berisi"
she is a degree student from Alabama, USA
org selalu cakap "jauh2 belajar tp bila kahwin xkerja pun"
so what? bila belajar jauh2, tinggi2, wajib kerja ke?
ayah yg x bagi umi kerja, so that umi boleh uruskan kami semua
tugas isteri kena dgr cakap suami right?
and umi dah berjaya dari segi tu
umi xpernah kisah orang nak cakap apa pun
kadang2 ada orang ingat umi setakat belajar sekolah apa je sebab tu xkerja
this mentality, can u guys stop it?
umi sanggup korbankan kerja dia, umi stop kerja after me n my sis lahir
I love her so much
I never look down on her
kami adik beradik xperlu pergi tuisyen, or minta org lain ajar
why? because we have umi
she is the one yg ajar kami dr kami lahir until now
subjek sekolah rendah, menengah, matrik, sains, sejarah, geografi, biologi, kimia, fizik, dr segi agama, everything..
she always be there to help us
n Alhamdulillah eventhough umi xkerja, gaji ayah cukup untuk besarkan kami adik-beradik dalam keadaan yg selesa n dgn keperluan yg cukup

maybe this is one of the reason why I don't plan much about what kind of job that I want to do
I just have to study, prepare my very best for my future
xkira lah I akan kerja or x
at least I layak if I nak kerja n I don't mind if I xkerja especially after I gt married

mood : tired
p/s : different people have different way of thought and this is my thought :)

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