you always use a sentence that will make me ask u about it
such as
"cuti nanti aku ada plan dah"
(of course I will ask about your plan, as a manner so that our conversation will not be that boring)
"aku tgh pikir something ni"
(for sure I will ask apa yg u tengah pikir, it is better than I just replied 'oo..' right?)
and banyak lagi lah ayat2 yg boleh buat I ask u about it
but then u will just answer "ade la..."... "rahsia".....
oh my, if just sekali dua u buat macam tu I don't care but u did it everytime
it looks like I am the one yg nak sibok2 nak tau pasal u
macam terhegeh2
eeiiuuww, I am not that kind of person ok!
I ask u because I don't want our conversation end up with "oo..".."emmm"...."ok.."
nanti u jugak yg cakap I makin sombong la, dah xingat kawan la itu la ini la
n now I've made my decision
I won't ask anything anymore!
buat la ayat tanda tanya macam tu pun I'll ignore it
I don't care about what u gonna think of me anymore
mood : annoying!