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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Status : I heart you <3

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Thursday, June 2, 2011 5:00:00 PM

do u guys have a brother?
i have two brothers, form2 and form5
it's quite cute to have a brother right?
it is so different between a younger brother and a younger sister
their act, their style of talking, everything..
* yes  I admit that they will be super annoying sometimes =.=" *

have u ever experienced a time that they want to praise u (their sister) but they feel a little bit awkward or shy?
haha, that's what happen to my form5 brother
he always find it difficult to praise me, my sis or umi
when he praise us, his face will look at other place, his eyes will look at somewhere else, his voice will be slower than always, n he will just say it once but hoping that we hear what he say
kinda cute right?haha

all these expression akan jadi when he eat anything that i cook
as u guys know, my parents xde kat rumah for 10days
so i have to cook everything for these two boys
tiap2 hari dia puji malu2, haha kelakar giler

whatever it is, he let me know that my masakan menjadi!!:)
sebab dia ni jenis picky person, especially about foods
kalau xsedap dia akan diam je, xkeluar langsung perkataan dr mulut dia waktu makan
dulu selalu jugak dia diam when it's time to eat my cooking
but now, not anymore
hehe, thanx bro~

*habis la if dia baca ni, mesti tersipu malu..haha, ooops!*

mood : watching Playful Kiss
p/s : semalam my bro buatkan carrot juice, yummy!!nak lagi~

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