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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

first time full list
Saturday, June 25, 2011 2:52:00 AM

I just wrote a list for my parents
what LIST???

hm, guess??

hehe, I just list down things yang dah habis di dapur
such as
"ayah, ni barang yang dah habis and nak habis"
"- gula(tinggal satu paket je)
- oyster sauce
- mayonnaise
- bawang putih (tinggal 1clove je)
- telur
- udang dah habis tp sotong ada lagi 1 tupperware so depends umi ayah lah nak beli udang ke x, hehe 
- buah, yang tinggal cuma tembikai je tu pun only a quarter
n so on"

I totally list down all the things yg xcukup or bakal xcukup
woah, suatu kejayaan for me! hehe

*waktu tulis list berangan diri macam chef~ I want this, I want that, buy me that thing, and that one too..Don't forget the secret ingredient for my precious recipe, bla bla bla....*

you know, it's kinda weird when I am the one who list all that
because, usually my mum is the one who did that
and I just complaint "umi, ni dah nak abis, tu tinggal lagi sikit, nanti umi belikan ni ye, umi dah tulis barang tu dalam list? n etc....."
but now, it is my job =.="

ok, why I am the one who list all that thing?
I am the one who is in charge of cooking now a.k.a that kitchen is mine~
muahaha :p

ok, macam ni sebenarnya..
oleh kerana Hari Raya dah x lama lagi
so a lot of my relatives tempah jahit baju raya diorang kat umi
umi hope that she can finish all that before Ramadhan or at least 2,3weeks before raya
and umi dah start menjahit since last week
bila dah start mood menjahit memang susah la nak berhenti
so bab masak-memasak semua, I am the one who handle it
anything about dapur, barang cukup ke x cukup ke semuanya tika yang uruskan
sebab tu la I am the one who list down all that

mood : why I'm not sleepy yet??urgh~
p/s : esok nak main masak2 ape ek? seronok pulak main hentam masak tiba-tiba jadi sedap, hehe

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