last day in Kedah,
at 9.15a.m.
we started our journey to go back to Negeri Sembilan, our house :)
on the way back, kitorang singgah Gurun dulu
nak ziarah Tok Teh
and jalan2 pergi tengok baby baru
comel giler! muka baby tu macam Nickhun, putih, kening lebat, mata mengancam! hehe :p
bila dah jenguk baby,
umi, me n tok kait buah
ayah rehat sebab kitorang xnak ayah penat
ye la, he has been driving for 6hours to Kedah then bila sampai Kedah kena kemas itu ini angkut macam2 then drive to Perlis, the next day drive back to Negeri Sembilan
mesti penat giler2~
so we volunteer our self untuk kait buah and suruh ayah rehat puas2 before start driving again
best kait buah!
leher pun macam dah tergeliat je, hehe
kitorang kait buah manggis guna galah
dah la buah semua kat atas2, jenguh nak mendongak sambil mengintai buah yg dah masak
plus, semut banyak giler
abis semut jatuh atas tudung..
but still it's a great experience and memory :)

banyakkan kitorang kait...
puas makan~

dah penat kait buah, kitorang pun rehat kejap then bertolak balik
waktu kat dalam kereta suddenly Tok Cik give two roses to me
cantik! bunga segar, wangi~
bila dah dapat bunga, apa lagi, snap2!!!

the colour of the roses are the same as my tudung :)
oh, waktu dalam perjalanan balik
ada accident berlaku
and the person that involved in that accident was still lying on the road
fortunately the police had arrived there and maybe the ambulance was on its way
huhu, scary
I try to glance a bit to that person just to know how is he
but tok turn my head the other way so that I can't see that person
hehe, sebab tika mabuk darah
she knows that if I saw that person, I might faint
Alhamdulillah, dalam pukul11 malam kami selamat sampai ke rumah
Home Sweet Home <3
p/s : want to know what happen to my roses???

dah jadi macam ni, huhu
bunga tu makin kering and keesokannya dah jadi macam ni
ayah cabut2 kelopak dia and susun macam ni atas meja =.="