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Playful Kiss
Saturday, June 4, 2011 2:26:00 AM

yeay dah habis tengok drama ni!
including the special episode :)
omo, kyopta!!
i love them so much~
"ok i know that I'm slow n probably all of u have finished watching this drama long ago, huhu..but I can't stop dreaming about this drama :p"
oh, how I wish I am Oh Ha Ni for once..ok abaikan :p

ni la bahana kalau tengok korean drama
mesti terbayang2, angau kat hero dia
xsuka2!macam terseksa je angau kat actor yg sah2 xkan dapat kat kita pun, huhu..
but he is soooooo handsome!
apart from that, he is so mean but caring, quiet but lovable, and he just look superb even when he do nothing =.="

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can you see it?see!!! I told u, he just looks smart, mystery, handsome...for just doing nothing~
ok, he is reading something, what can that be great??
huh, I don't care!he is still great for me :p

ok let's stop day dreaming~

hm, this korean drama is based on the popular Japanese manga, Itazura Na Kiss by Tada Kaoru and I know that most of you know about this
yg version manga lagi banyak episode, more than 20 kalau xsilap but this drama thing tinggal 16episode je, huhu it cut out part yg diorg dah ada anak : (

anyway, drama ni lead actor dia ialah......KIM HYUN JOONG as Baek Seung Jo and lead actress is Jung So Min as Oh Ha Ni
for me, this is the first time tengok Jung So Min ni berlakon, n she is cute!so many expression and she can make me cry when she is crying..huhu T_T

ok jom layan pic jom :)

they are so cute together, the meanie n the 'dumb' lover..hehe
I really salute her passion towards someone she loves :)
*kalau semua orang macam dia ni, mesti xbanyak kes cerai berai kan..hehe*

this one manga version, Kotoko n Naoki
I already fall in love with these two characters :)

this one waktu Seung Jo tengah ajar Ha Ni, SWEET!!
I love this, seriously I do
a guy that we can depend on :)



“playful kiss” new official photo

Oh wow the korean cast. Lol i’m so used to the Taiwanese faces

I love the &#8220;Playful Kiss&#8221; cast!\
Ha Ni and her friends...they are totally cute!
they make us feel how friendship is precious <3

mood : stop dreaming about Hyun Joong ok!!!
p/s : xnak tengok citer korea yg hero dia handsome dah la! hehe, boleh caye ke? :p

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