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~Have a nice day~

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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

Please be nice here

Status : I heart you <3

Music Playlist at MixPod.com


Footprints here!


Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Wednesday, August 24, 2011 2:13:00 AM

Assalamualaikum ^_^
selamat malam, eh selamat pagi =p

dalam hidup kita ni, banyak fasa yang akan kita lalui
and maybe I am going through one the thousands phases right now
haish, x tau la apa dah jadi kat diri sendiri =.="

dulu tiap2 hari update status fb, kadang2 satu hari sampai 3,4 status ada
tapi sekarang, nak update seminggu sekali pun boleh kira dengan jari

dulu rajin sangat post entry kat blog, setakat guna jari tangan memang x muat
tapi sekarang, nak post entry dalam seminggu pun boleh guna jari sebelah tangan je

what kind of transformation is this???
am i changing to a weirdo??

perasaan malas yang x sepatutnya ada
if setakat malas nak ber-fb, ber-blogging ok lagi
ni rasa macam everything malas nak buat

" Today I don't feel like doing anything
I just wanna lay in my bed
Don't feel like picking up my phone, so leave a message at the tone
'Cause today I swear I'm not doing anything "

ok, this one part of the song really fits my situation now

but I can't let myself to be like this anymore

I want to be that cheerful, happy go lucky and easy going me
full of energy
I have to find myself back

" oh I've found myself !! .......in the water"

mood : what is going on!

0 lovely notes

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