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tragedi handphone di L17:DPD
Friday, January 20, 2012 2:17:00 AM

selesai sudah perjuangan for this semester
hope result nanti akan meningkat dan terus meningkat dari result sebelum2 ni

3rd semester
such a short yet a great semester
after 2 semesters full of mathematics thingy, this 3rd semester I took one different subject that I believe can make my semester more interesting than before
but people always said 'tak ngam' dengan student maths
really? hmm
it's a Biology subject which is Biodiversity
I love it, I enjoy myself with all those bacteria, animals n so on
semoga result setimpal dengan keseronokan yang dialami, hehe

oh, I'm not writing this entry to share things that happened in this semester
back to the topic,

this 'tragedy' happened yesterday during SHE101 paper
usually I didn't bring my phone because I don't like to put my phone on the lecturer's table and it's also quite scary to leave it in my bag outside the exam hall
but yesterday I have to bring it due to some important reasons
and I just leave it in my bag

as usual,
before we start the exam, the lecturer will tell us things that we cannot do during exam
and ada sorang lecturer ni pesan jangan tinggal phone dalam beg sebab dah ada kes kecurian berlaku
so ada la a few students yang keluar dewan just to take their phone and put it on the table
nope, I just sit there, praying hard that my phone will be just fine
:exam bermula:
half an hour later students start to pass up their answer sheets
jeng jeng jeng
a girl lost her phone
dia letak phone dia kat atas meja lecturer tu but bila dia nak ambil balik phone dia after exam, poof! it's not there
that time exam still berjalan
but my seat is in the third row from the front so I can hear clearly about what happened and what they said

unfortunately they can't tract where the phone 'goes'

I always imagine about this situation before
and this is the first time that it happened in front of my eyes
this is the MAIN reason why I don't like to put my phone on the lecturer's table
because anyone can just take your phone dengan selambanya and keluar dari pintu dewan without no one notice that it's not their phone
mau menangis tak berlagu kat situ

at the same time memang agak bahaya jugak if tinggalkan phone kat dalam beg
but percentage untuk orang curi your phone, check satu2 beg if this beg ada phone or purse or that beg xde ape2, is lower than if you put your phone terang-terangan atas meja lecturer and sangat mudah untuk anyone aim which phone dia nak tibai nanti

so sebaik2nya x perlu la bawa handphone k
kalau bawa pun sometimes I akan seludup letak dalam poket seluar or letak je dalam pencil case and letak dekat tepi bawah meja
better right? at least you know that your phone ada dekat sebelah you je
but make sure in silent mode

mood : balik kampung....ooooo....balik kampung 

5 lovely notes

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