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~Have a nice day~

Welcome to my blog ^^
You've stuck in my unprivate diary

: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

Please be nice here

Status : I heart you <3

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Footprints here!


Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

Thursday, February 9, 2012 9:00:00 PM

after a week bertungkus-lumus 'renovate' blog, akhirnya siap juga

at first ingat nak ubah sikit2 je
but suddenly ada ternampak tentang BLOGSKIN
then dengan bahagianya copy satu template ni and paste kat html setting ape tah
yang 'bagusnya' Tika terus SAVE that template without saving the older template
bila dah sedar every single thing yang ada kat layout dulu dah hilang mula la gelabah
Alhamdulillah Adda tolong bagi few links supaya blogskin-newbie macam Tika ni tau macam mana nak edit2 those commands

these commands remind me of C++

so, if any of you suddenly attracted with blogskin,
here are the links that can help you
goodluck ^^

anyway, thanx to Adda for the header
it fits my blog's template right
thanx again
later I belanja ice-cream =P

p/s : pinky

4 lovely notes

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