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: Just an ordinary girl who writes stuff that happened around her :

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Basecode: Nadya.
Full edit: SitiSyuhadah
Re-Edit by: Tika Shuib

whitywhity square
Tuesday, February 7, 2012 12:37:00 AM

seriously I have no idea why I call this new 'thing' in my room by that name
maybe it sounds cute to me

actually my mum tengah dalam mode untuk men-transform bilik2 yang ada kat rumah ni
langsir, almari, lining ape tah, macam2 lah yang ditukar dibeli ditambah

including this whitywhity square yang telah ditambah ke dalam bilik me n my sister

it is white and also square
hm, not that square actually..more to rectangle
but who cares, hehe

mood : want to transform my room to korean-looks-like-room?hihi=p

0 lovely notes

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