Proud or Jealous?
Last few days teman mereka berdua ini cari hadiah untuk dinner MPDS mereka nanti
Ina and Wanie
dah macam twins dah ha, siap pakai baju and tudung yang lebih kurang sama pattern lagi
with the roommate
it's already 3years with her, time do fly fast
so here is the Prangin Mall
x ramai sangat orang hari tu
so kami berjalan dengan selesanya
bermula lah misi mencari kedai-kedai comel yang menjual barang-barang yang juga comel
because of MPDS ni memang all girls so it's quite easy to find all those things yang boleh dijadikan gift/present
dah jumpa kedai ^^
that's them
still full of spirits to find the gifts
while me =.="
dah mula main snap sana sini
by the way, all of the above is just a 'mukadimah'
xde kena mngena dengan tajuk pun
haha bukan main kan mukadimah je dah berjela
actually tajuk di atas berdasarkan something that happened when we were going back to USM
so, after settle survey hadiah, makan, and solat
kitorang pun bergerak ke tempat tunggu bas
that time pukul6 lebih if I'm not mistaken
tapi langit dah gelap sebab tengah hujan
waktu tu ramai la pulak 'abang-abang' bangla yang tunggu bas jugak
at first buat xtahu je la kan kat diorang sebab pikir maybe diorang tunggu bas lain
so xde la rasa gerun sangat
then suddenly ternampak ada satu couple ni (malay)
and my roommate cakap yang diorang student USM jugak
so that takut-ness dah quite kurang la sebab suddenly terasa ada geng USM jugak kat situ
haha macam ape je kan
then after 5-10minutes waiting
bas pun muncul
'abang-abang' bangla tu semua serbu the same bus yang kitorang nak naik
ok, here's the situation
disebabkan kitorang tunggu agak dekat dengan tempat bas rapid tu buka pintu so jarak kitorang xde la jauh sangat dengan pintu bas
depan kitorang yang couple USM tu
while all those 'abang' bangla come from behind and beside us
rasa macam kena kerumun jugak la waktu tu #_#
then bila pintu bas buka
the girlfriend masuk bas dulu while the boyfie suddenly ke tepi sikit and bagi ruang pada kami yang girls ni untuk masuk bas without being pushed by 'abang-abang' bangla
kitorang pulak macam agak lambat sikit bergerak sebab otak masih pikir why he did that, should we just get on the bus or what
bila dia tengok kitorang macam blur-blur and nak x nak je naik bas
suddenly dia cakap
"cepat-cepat, banyak pulak bangla hari ni"
ok waktu tu baru otak berfungsi
kitorang terus naik bas
and he get on the bus after the three of us naik
wehuuu, terasa ada hero yang menyelamatkan
here is the point
for us, he makes us melt with that kind of action
hello, there's no girl yang x suka lelaki gentleman right
but for his girlfriend
is she proud with her boyfriend's action?
will she feels like
" this gentleman is my boyfriend.. I'm so proud of him and happy that I get this kind of man " LOL
" why he act like that to other girls? I know he's kind but being a gentleman towards the other girls too.......I'm not sure of that.. should he? "
what about you guys? will you be proud or jealous?
if your man do some 'manners' move to the other girls in front of you
without discussing with you first
which one is you?
for me, I'll feel both
first, I'll be jealous
but after some time maybe I'll understand that he just want to help
and you can't stop people from being nice
well, the idea is don't be too emotional
mood : is learning to forget