today is June 11, 2011
means, it have been 34days since I'm home
I xkeluar mana sangat pun
paling2 just pantai n nilai
kind of boring actually =.="
I can't wait for July to come
because, there are 2 things will happen in that month
1st) reunion Kem Karisma Kuala Pilah (PLKN) at Bukit Jalil
I just know about this function from my bestfriend, but I don't have the detail yet
however, I already get my parents green light to go there
dah lama xjumpa kawan2 PLKN
I think plus minus 2years since the last time I met them
lagipun waktu kat PLKN dulu xdapat habiskan program sama2 dengan yg lain
kena keluar awal since I've to go for my matriculation program
nasib baik xkena repeat PLKN sebab masa yg diperlukan utk "graduate" from PLKN cukup :)
PLKN is the first place I start living away from my parents
stand by my own, doing things by my own, n etc
kat situ juga la baru terdedah dgn macam2 perangai pelik manusia
and kat situ jugak la I learnt how to build my confidence level
macam2 jadi waktu kat PLKN dulu
dapat baju free, makanan xpayah bayar, tengok depan mata orang kena histeria, belajar menggunakan fikiran macam mana nak handle orang yg agak 'bermasalah', kenal apa erti kawan, n the most exciting thing ialah........I know my blood type!
haha, ok I admit that I'm kinda afraid of needle, that is why I never know which blood group that I belong to
'UNFORTUNATELY', in order to attend that PLKN thing, they have to know my blood type
so dalam keadaan paksa rela
beranikan la diri untuk menghulurkan tangan untuk di 'prick' by that needle
finally! tau jugak apa jenis darah sendiri, hehe
above : hiasan2 yg dilekatkan di dinding dorm kitorang agar bertambah ceria, hehe
close up pic ada pangkah2 ngan maker, itu sebenarnye kalendar, tanda berapa hari lagi nak balik
haha, kantoi xsabar nak balik
below : gambar keseluruhan dorm n my closet, siap ada hiasan n tag nama lagi :)
*abaikan muka yg agak gelap itu ye*
above : my friend and I...dalam pelbagai situasi, masa, dan tempat
ada yg kat dalam bas, and pic bawah tu waktu lawatan ke balai bomba..best! boleh main pancut2 air, hehe
*boleh nampak muka waktu tu gelap, huhu*
below : still kat balai bomba n gambar paling kanan, kawan2 pakai baju loreng
both : inilah kami, friends forever! gambar hanya lah kenangan dalam bentuk nyata
tapi, benda yg paling manis apabila semua kenangan ni masih segar dalam ingatan :)
PLKN Kem Karisma Kuala Pilah batch 2/2009
ok, stop about PLKN
now we go to 2nd thing that will happen in July
guess what?
ok I'll tell you
my very very very bestfriend a.k.a gilrfriend forever will stay at my house!
one of them akan balik dari Beijing in July and before going back to Kuching, she will stay at my house for a while, which means I can hang out with her
and bertambah-tambah seronok bila dapat tau
my besties yg lagi sorang ni sanggup beli tiket kapal terbang n come to semenanjung
just to hang up with us n jalan2
and, she come ALONE!
oh my, I really2 appreaciate it, sangat2 gembira bila tau dapat jumpa both of them nanti
even great when my other besties will have her practical in fashion if I'm not mistaken at Shah Alam and she will come to semenanjung this July
I am super duper happy right now!
all of them, three of them, will come to semenanjung and we can meet up!!
this is just like a very beautiful dream for me~
just imagine, the last time we met is in 2007
almost 4years kitorang terpisah jauh oleh Laut China Selatan
and now we will meet again
oh my, seriously I love them so much! wanna know who are they?
mood : tired but happy
p/s : nak makan tom yam, tata~
PLKN Kem Karisma Kuala Pilah batch 2/2009